Bussum Cultural

September 8th – Wilhelminaplantsoen, Bussum, The Netherlands

National Atelierweekend

National Atelierweekend

Dear friends,

On June 22 & 23 from 13.00-18.00 I join the national Atelierweekend. Several studios are also open on our Vliegdenweg 13, Bussum!

Enjoying art, meeting each other, snacks and drinks (free). Be surprised in my studio! Art, good conversations, children who can enjoy drawing on the floors (inside and outside and being busy with that), Comforter, Dream trees and contrary works that move you or make you think. A studio where you just want to be. Casual and unusual. A nice list with international prizes and especially empathy for human strength and weakness. Be seduced, art as a balm on your soul. Let your dreams be expressed in the universal language of the heart, let them fall into your heart like ripe fruit.

Hope to meet you there!




Give your mother an inspiring present for Mothersday, also for mothers who never painted before!

Saturday afternoon / Thursday evening – other dates are possible, contact me.
This fun, enjoyable workshop is with painting materials and food and drinks included.

You can order this workshop online with orderbutton below. After you buy it, please send an email to marjanderksen@gmail.com and I will send the voucher digital as soon possible to your emailbox.

Value of 60 euro.

Buy directly online


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Pecha Kucha Hilversum

Pecha Kucha Hilversum

Marjan Derksen legt uit wat haar werk betekent en met welke emoties ze haar werk maakt. Een meeslepend verhaal over haar werk een tour de troubadour.

The art of seduction

The art of seduction

DE KUNST VAN HET VERLEIDEN, door Marjan Derksen en Jac de Vries.

Een schitterend geschenk, voor meer info: marjanderksen@gmail.com of +31 (0)6 38 54 20 74.

Een artbox met een bijzonder prikkelend boekje vol met onze kunstwerken, verleidelijke recepten en cocktails om uw liefdesleven te prikkelen!